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Global Goal #13: Climate Action

I think that number 13 is also a really big issue. Number 13 is climate change. I think that climate change affects a lot of people in different ways. This particular issue has had a big impact on Tokyo Japan. And the effects could be bigger. Japan puts a lot of chimicles into the atmosphere and absorbs the heat that get put off. Some people get their water from freshwater wells and springs but because of climate change the planet is heating up and it is drying up some of those wells and springs. People that live far from the city have a harder time getting freshwater so they rely on these wells and springs. But what are they going to do when they dry up? But climate change affects Japan even worse. It had caused a lot more natural disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, and flooding. It has also increases the deaths by heat stroke. It also affects the food. They already don’t grow most of their own food. They only grow 40% of their own food and that’s the lowest percentage in the world. And they get the rest of their food from other countries. However, they have recognised what climate change is doing and they are trying to work something out. They are trying to adapt to what’s happening. They know that things are never going to go back to the ways they were before. So they are trying to do things now so that the future can be a success.

When we were in Mexico we were driving to the school and I looked at the big trucks all around us and I saw black smoke coming out of all of them. I also saw lots of factories releasing black smoke as well. This is what is causing pollution which leads to climate change. Animals are dying and plants are dying in other places because of what we are doing here.

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